Welcome to Shelftalkers
Shelftalkers has been established by SLAV as a platform for young people, at both primary and secondary school level, who love books and reading. It offers a home for the sharing of written reviews with their peers and also an insight into the opinions of others. We now accept reviews on any book by students at whose schools are members of SLAV.
Empowering young readers to give them a sense of ownership and autonomy in sharing their thoughts about what they read, and what is being published into the market for them, it is hoped that Shelftalkers will encourage and engage young readers in reading and writing, beyond the classroom.
Shelftalkers offers an exciting engagement tool for libraries, library staff and publishers to facilitate discussion of both established and forthcoming titles and ways to promote better reading and writing in your school community. It also offers professionals working with young people a window into their opinions that can underpin targeted promotional and engagement programs.
The Shelftalkers website is maintained and moderated by SLAV staff. We welcome your feedback and enquiries.